From our friends at Role Playing Public Radio: A group of German sabotuers arrive in America in 1941 to carry out a mission of subversion and assassination. They soon find out that the powers behind the mission might not be the…
The official podcast of The Unspeakable Oath and Delta Green.
Four seemingly random people find themselves trapped in The Construct, a pocket dimension fought over by two alien entities. Can these survivors find a way home through the architectural madness? Game system: Nemesis. GM: Ross Payton. Players: Patrick French, Patrick Gingrich, Mike…
Lt. Reginald Fairfield, future leader of Delta Green, leads an airborne mission on Halloween night, 1942. Recorded at GenCon 2010. Keeper: Frank Frey. Players: Ross Payton, Hansreiner Pfeitz, Alec Strange, Lily Bruckner. http://www.theunspeakableoath.com/podcast/Unspeakable-AP-03-Early-Years.mp3Podcast (tuo-actual-play): Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe:…