©1990 John Tynes [A review section of sorts. Unremarkable and too brief.] The past several months have seen a flurry of activity in the Call of Cthulhu game. Below are capsule reviews of six recent products: Mansions of Madness, from…
Author: Shane Ivey
Editor of The Unspeakable Oath.
TUO 1: Good Tidings From Shantak Claus
©1990 John Tynes [I wrote most of the first issue myself, having almost no one to draw on. This was your typical Cthulhu filk song kind of thing. Sigh.] Here’s something truly unspeakable. Perhaps players can sing this as they…
TUO 1: The Dread Page of Azathoth
©1990 John Tynes [This is your basic editor’s column. Originally, I’d planned to use it for convention announcements and miscellaneous garbage after the first issue was released, but it has remained a very personal soapbox for me and my views,…
Introduction to TUO 1
©1993 John Tynes The Unspeakable Oath owes its existence to Jeff Carey, a Cthulhu keeper of renown and stature (he even appears as a villain in the first scenario in Chaosium’s ADVENTURES IN ARKHAM COUNTRY book!). At GenCon 1990 I…
The Annotated Unspeakable Oath, Issue 1
(It was the first issue, so I had to write a lot of it myself, okay?) Introduction to The Annotated Unspeakable Oath by John Tynes Introduction to TUO 1 by John Tynes The Dread Page of Azathoth by John Tynes…