A collection of links to inspire your Call of Cthulhu gaming, most often culled from the Delta Green Mailing List.
The Hotel Carcosa
Built in 1897 in Kuala Lampur and yes, named after that Carcosa. Link sent by the Rook.

Strange is the night where black stars rise, And twin moons circle in the skies, But the stranger still is Lost Carcosa.
How do I make my document look like it was written by an Cthulhu worshipping madman?
If you use the old layout code LaTex, and that by itself hasn’t driven you mad, here’s how you make a page of text look crazy. Link sent by Ross Payton.
British art historian creates world’s largest shawl woven from the silk of one million spiders
“Clearly the high priestess of an Atlach Nacha cult needed some appropriate ceremonial garb.” Link sent by Marshall Gatten.
Floor plan porn
A great resource for urban games. Link sent by Ross Payton.
Links for Delta Green
Pentagon outsources War on Drugs to Blackwater
“Something for Delta Green south of the border, perhaps.” Link sent by Russell Rayburn.
Inside an abandoned Russian rocket factory
The text is in Russian but the photos are amazing. Link sent by Ricus.
The FBI’s Dead List
“This is an updated list of the people the FBI understands are deceased.” There are two Iveys on the list but I’m not one of them. Link sent by Dennis Detwiller.