TUO 2: Afterword

(C)1994 John Tynes.

That’s all for TUO2! This was a fun issue in a lot of ways but still very clumsy as well. I don’t think I really became much of an editor until TUO3 or TUO4, when I began to grasp the rudiments of what makes the disparate parts of a magazine come together into an effective whole. Needless to say, this is something I’m still working on. I can’t commit this to the record without mentioning “Remnant,” a wonderful graphic novel begun by Blair Reynolds in TUO2. It ran for all of two installments before he abandoned it, but the artwork was stunning and the story very intriguing. TUO2 kicked off our interest in graphic fiction in TUO2, which has been sporadic at best – TUO2 & TUO4 carried “Remnant,” while TUO8/9 featured “Bitter Bones & Horrors.” We hope to do more with the graphic novel medium in the future.

A final observation: while “Grace Under Pressure” does not appear in this document due to its publication in The Resurrected, its importance to our work can not be understated. I believe it was a landmark scenario in gaming, in that it was written from start to finish with the purpose of providing an intense and incredible playing experience, and everything we did in it was directed towards that goal. We avoided the trap of getting caught up in the story to the exclusion of playability, and produced an adventure that, I believe, was truly state of the art entertainment and still is. In addition, it became the impetus for us to begin traveling to conventions, producing multi-media CoC games that push the envelope and successfully straddle the line between normal gaming and live role-playing to the benefit of both. It was our first real creative breakthrough, and set the stage for much of our subsequent efforts.

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