Category: Ye Liveliest Awfulness

News and links about the Cthulhu Mythos.

‘Nemesis’ on RPGNow

A few years ago we put together a free roleplaying game of Cthulhu Mythos horror called NEMESIS, using the One Roll Engine of Godlike, Monsters and Other Childish Things, Wild Talents, Reign, and A Dirty World. NEMESIS includes Greg Stolze’s…

Cthulhu Dark

Cthulhu Dark is Graham Walmsley’s free, fast-playing, two-page tabletop RPG about investigating the Cthulhu Mythos and going insane. Beyond the core rules he’s added basic principles for running it (“focus on the characters,” “respond with fuckery”), detailed guidelines for running it,…

Lovecraft and the occult

Ectoplasmosis has a fun discussion today of the influence of H.P. Lovecraft’s fiction upon the real beliefs of occultists. It’s inspired by Erik Davis’ Calling Cthulhu but is fun reading in its own right; not least because it name-checks our…