Category: Ye Liveliest Awfulness

News and links about the Cthulhu Mythos.

Stealing Cthulhu

Stealing Cthulhu preview

Stealing Cthulhu is a new book by Graham Walmsley with notes by Gareth Hanrahan, Kenneth Hite and Jason Morningstar. Stealing Cthulhu is my guide to Lovecraftian storytelling. Its central idea is: by stealing, adapting and combining Lovecraft’s ideas, you can…

Delta Green Dark

Berin Kinsman is planning a Delta Green (which began with TUO 7) one-shot using Graham Walmsley’s Cthulhu Dark game (which we spotlighted in TUO 19). Follow his progress here.

Support the Red Cross

The Red Cross

At The Unspeakable Oath we have fun with the fictional frights of the Cthulhu Mythos, but of course real horrors abound in the world. My friends, family and I experienced one this week. A series of huge tornadoes ravaged the…

Lovecraft: Fear of the Unknown

Watch more free documentaries Lovecraft: Fear of the Unknown, the excellent 2008 documentary on the writing and life of H.P. Lovecraft, can be viewed in entirety online, free but with a handful of annoyingly abrupt commercial breaks. The oldest and…

Delta Green on TVTropes

James Haughton reminded me of this on the Delta Green Mailing List: Delta Green, which had its start in the pages of the Oath, has a really terrific entry on From the site: Aliens And Monsters: And not all…

Chocolate Cthulhu!

Chocolatey sweetness from beyond the drab confines of Euclidian cooking. . . . It’s too late to get them for Easter, but would a true cultist be stopped by that? Via BoingBoing and Lovecraftsman.