Category: Delta Green

Modern-day Cthulhu Mythos horror and conspiracy.

Delta Green Dark

Berin Kinsman is planning a Delta Green (which began with TUO 7) one-shot using Graham Walmsley’s Cthulhu Dark game (which we spotlighted in TUO 19). Follow his progress here.

Delta Green on TVTropes

James Haughton reminded me of this on the Delta Green Mailing List: Delta Green, which had its start in the pages of the Oath, has a really terrific entry on From the site: Aliens And Monsters: And not all…

Artifact Zero: Deep Background

Extensive background information is available to the investigators in the Delta Green scenario “Artifact Zero.” This document is for the Keeper’s use, to make it easier to put together documents and dossiers for use in play. If you expect to…

Delta Green proofreaders needed

A word from Scott Glancy at Pagan Publishing: Greetings Agents and Cultists, Pagan Publishing and Arc Dream are moving towards fully releasing the Delta Green catalog as PDFs and ebooks. As part of that we have re-edited the Delta Green…