Author: Shane Ivey

Editor of The Unspeakable Oath.

The Day After Ragnarok (Review)

The Day After Ragnarok, from Atomic Overmind Press

The Day After Ragnarok Published by Atomic Overmind Press, $29.95 By Kenneth Hite Reviewed by Matthew Pook The year is 1948 and we have Harry S. Truman to thank for blowing up the world. Not that he had much choice.…

Trail of Cthulhu (Review)

Trail of Cthulhu Pelgrane Press, $39.95 By Kenneth Hite Reviewed by Matthew Pook Call of Cthulhu is not perfect. It quantifies the Mythos, giving it numbers and making it knowable. Its skill system often results in the investigators not finding…

‘Nemesis’ on RPGNow

A few years ago we put together a free roleplaying game of Cthulhu Mythos horror called NEMESIS, using the One Roll Engine of Godlike, Monsters and Other Childish Things, Wild Talents, Reign, and A Dirty World. NEMESIS includes Greg Stolze’s…

Artifact Zero: Deep Background

Extensive background information is available to the investigators in the Delta Green scenario “Artifact Zero.” This document is for the Keeper’s use, to make it easier to put together documents and dossiers for use in play. If you expect to…

TUO 2: Introduction to TUO 2

(C)1993 John Tynes TUO2 appeared in the late spring/early summer of 1991, after weeks of delays. The path of TUO1 from photocopied-for-fun to a nationally (and internationally) distributed publication was quick and confusing. By TUO2, we’d found a business printer…

TUO 2: The Dread Page of Azathoth

(C)1991 John Tynes [This was a real landmark, in retrospect. Below you’ll find the infamous story of the decapitated dog, which led to the even more infamous story of the severed dog’s head (covered in TUO4). No, the decapitated dog…