James Haughton reminded me of this on the Delta Green Mailing List: Delta Green, which had its start in the pages of the Oath, has a really terrific entry on TVTropes.org.
From the site:
- Aliens And Monsters: And not all of them are betentacled.
- Ancient Conspiracy: Both averted and played straight with the Cult of Transcendence. As the Alta Vendita, they’ve been around since the Crusades, but they underwent a significant change in leadership and purpose after the First World War showed them how much their attempts at running the world had failed.
- Brain Food: Agent NANCY is DG’s foremost forensic analyst and autopsy expert. She is, in fact, a [REDACTED], and can obtain knowledge from [REDACTED] by [REDACTED] their [REDACTED].
- Badass Normal: Many NPCs, such as the late Major Fairfield, Captain Forrest James or MJ-12’s Adolph Lepus. The PCs can also become this.
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